Sunday, July 26, 2015

Charles Taylor’s Aide Benoni Urey Makes Push For Nimba

Benoni Urey_0

Hawa Wesseh
M O N R O V I A, July 22—Former Charles Taylor’s aide, ex-Maritime Commissioner, Benoni Urey, reports say is betting on the legacy of his former boss, as he makes a push for the Liberian presidency, which is two years away.
According to observers, views popular amongst the now incarcerated former president [who is in an English jail for war crimes against humanity] and his supporters, is that Taylor’s popularity has not wane in Liberia, and he could possibly win re-elections “if elections were held today,” [if he stood]. Urey has not been shy to also voice those concerns.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

DIssecting the politics of Edward Wilmont Blyden

E.D. Blyden

By Edward Carter

Making remarks at the program marking his 70th natal day, the Orwellian political scientist, the unrelenting Dr. Amos Claudius Sawyer made a rather interesting disclosure: He stressed that he will avail himself in part to establish a “chair of public affairs” at the University of Liberia in honor of the late so-called Pan African Nationalist, Edward Wilmot Blyden.