George Weah Cries
Why was George Weah crying in Kakata a few days ago? Can anyone tell me please? I am curious because it is not like he just lost a close relative, or lost his eyesight and will not be able to see the sport that made him rich and famous. Weah is crying perhaps because Winston Tubman has taken over his party and would now be the standard bearer of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC).
In late June 2009, when the football legend signed a communiqué for a merger between their two parties in Accra Ghana, I wrote then that Tubman had one goal, and that was to top Weah’s party ticket as the ultimate standard bearer going into 2011. Weah loyalists rebuffed me at the time and thought I was silly for making such statement. I have been vindicated and my political forecast has now come to pass.
The Congress for Democratic Change members and officials who thought I was silly can now all rest assure that Weah would never be the eventual candidate of any party, including his own CDC during these forth coming elections because he has serious issues and baggage.
The recent CDC convention in Kakata that saw Weah weeping was deliberate. And everyone knows it. The 111 to 118 votes that put Winston Tubman on top was a way of finally pushing Weah to the side. According to analysts, it was intended to save Weah the embarrassment had he still insist at all cost that he wanted to head the ticket when it was evident that he George Weah brings nothing to the presidency other than name recognition and his football fame.
It can be recalled and it is no secret that the first alliance between Weah and Tubman failed because he (Weah) told Tubman explicitly that he wanted Tubman as his number two, and according to insiders, Tubman told him “no.” The former Liberian diplomat thought ‘that Weah was crazy.’ Weah felt slighted and dumped Tubman for another presidential candidate, Charles Walter Brumskine of the Liberty Party.
As he has done previously, Mr. Weah ran back to Accra, Ghana, a place he love to sign political agreements and consummated yet another communiqué on November 10, 2010 with the Liberian lawyer, with the duo declaring they would run “on the same ticket.” Of course, the deal came to the exclusive preserve of Mr. Brumskine.
Philip Wesseh, editor of the Monrovia-based Inquirer newspaper said while the option for a viable ticket existed between the two, he was holding his breathe, “Until the final whistle was blown.” And true to form, the deal lasted less than two months, with Mr. Weah still declaring he had the numbers on his side to win the presidency. Tubman, the seasoned diplomat did not give up hope and continued to court Weah, even as he expressed regrets in an interview with the New Dawn newspaper in Liberia.
At no cost was Tubman willing to let George Weah out of his sight. Weah was the running mate he desperately needed. He has never hidden this point. He would wait and strike when the time was right. And then it happened suddenly, when Weah dumped Brumskin yet again. Lenn Eugene Nagbe, the former Secretary General of the CDC was so incised over the decision he resigned from the CDC.
And therefore, the political journeyman, Winston Tubman whose political trail dates back to the grand old True Whig Party of the settler class, the National Democratic Party of the Master Sergeant-turned-President Samuel Doe, and the Liberian National Union, surfaced in March of this year at the headquarters of CDC in Sinkor, Monrovia declaring he was joining Weah to unseat Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her Unity Party.

Why was George Weah crying in Kakata a few days ago? Can anyone tell me please? I am curious because it is not like he just lost a close relative, or lost his eyesight and will not be able to see the sport that made him rich and famous. Weah is crying perhaps because Winston Tubman has taken over his party and would now be the standard bearer of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC).
In late June 2009, when the football legend signed a communiqué for a merger between their two parties in Accra Ghana, I wrote then that Tubman had one goal, and that was to top Weah’s party ticket as the ultimate standard bearer going into 2011. Weah loyalists rebuffed me at the time and thought I was silly for making such statement. I have been vindicated and my political forecast has now come to pass.
The Congress for Democratic Change members and officials who thought I was silly can now all rest assure that Weah would never be the eventual candidate of any party, including his own CDC during these forth coming elections because he has serious issues and baggage.
The recent CDC convention in Kakata that saw Weah weeping was deliberate. And everyone knows it. The 111 to 118 votes that put Winston Tubman on top was a way of finally pushing Weah to the side. According to analysts, it was intended to save Weah the embarrassment had he still insist at all cost that he wanted to head the ticket when it was evident that he George Weah brings nothing to the presidency other than name recognition and his football fame.
It can be recalled and it is no secret that the first alliance between Weah and Tubman failed because he (Weah) told Tubman explicitly that he wanted Tubman as his number two, and according to insiders, Tubman told him “no.” The former Liberian diplomat thought ‘that Weah was crazy.’ Weah felt slighted and dumped Tubman for another presidential candidate, Charles Walter Brumskine of the Liberty Party.
As he has done previously, Mr. Weah ran back to Accra, Ghana, a place he love to sign political agreements and consummated yet another communiqué on November 10, 2010 with the Liberian lawyer, with the duo declaring they would run “on the same ticket.” Of course, the deal came to the exclusive preserve of Mr. Brumskine.
Philip Wesseh, editor of the Monrovia-based Inquirer newspaper said while the option for a viable ticket existed between the two, he was holding his breathe, “Until the final whistle was blown.” And true to form, the deal lasted less than two months, with Mr. Weah still declaring he had the numbers on his side to win the presidency. Tubman, the seasoned diplomat did not give up hope and continued to court Weah, even as he expressed regrets in an interview with the New Dawn newspaper in Liberia.
At no cost was Tubman willing to let George Weah out of his sight. Weah was the running mate he desperately needed. He has never hidden this point. He would wait and strike when the time was right. And then it happened suddenly, when Weah dumped Brumskin yet again. Lenn Eugene Nagbe, the former Secretary General of the CDC was so incised over the decision he resigned from the CDC.
And therefore, the political journeyman, Winston Tubman whose political trail dates back to the grand old True Whig Party of the settler class, the National Democratic Party of the Master Sergeant-turned-President Samuel Doe, and the Liberian National Union, surfaced in March of this year at the headquarters of CDC in Sinkor, Monrovia declaring he was joining Weah to unseat Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her Unity Party.
Liberian Diplomat Winston Tubman
“No doubt Weah has a populist appeal,” says a political science professor at the University of Liberia. “It is just that his blind ambition for the presidency is absurd, a trait which is typical amongst Liberian politicians.” Weah, he says has no track record of leading and has no experience in government either. “The fact that people think you can instantly come from anywhere and just lead is a charade. You need to be tested first. It is successful mayors of major cities, leaders of political subdivisions like governors, or in our case superintendents and veteran senators who usually run for their country’s presidency.” Some of these obnoxious politicians, he says, “have been at least ministers, ambassadors or directors of public corporations, but Weah has no public or private experience.” Tubman, he continues, “gives him cover.”
All the key actors in the Liberian political opposition sees the former Monaco FC and AC Milan point man, George Manneh Weah as an asset, and also sees him only as the number two man whose proletarian appeal they crave. They see the football icon as one who lacks the diplomatic skills and the commanding presence of a major player in Liberian politics. “We don’t want another Samuel Doe, who will learn on the job and bring our country to disrepute,” Punctuate a nursing student at the Methodist founded Cuttington University College in Suacoco Bong County.
Winston Tubman has got the deal he wanted and is ready to make a push during this election. He is educated and savvy; but does not have the charisma and personality to be taken seriously, while Weah brings name recognition plus grassroots appeal to the race. Tubman also knows the alleys and backdoors of Liberian politics and if he wins the presidency, Weah could learn a thing or two from an old hand.
It is going to get interesting as the presidential campaign in Liberian starts soon. The progressive “evangelist,” Dew Mason thinks he has the gravitas to dislodge Ellen from the Executive Mansion and has grouped about four political parties already under the umbrella of his National Democratic Union. Charles Walter Brumskine says his Liberty party, which came third the last time around is ready to play ball picking a young senator from Bong County Franklin Siakor as his running mate.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sharpened her own sword having declared herself the “formidable candidate,” challenging the opposition boldly after they claimed she is too old. To which she replied, “We will see who will run faster.” May the best man win!
All the key actors in the Liberian political opposition sees the former Monaco FC and AC Milan point man, George Manneh Weah as an asset, and also sees him only as the number two man whose proletarian appeal they crave. They see the football icon as one who lacks the diplomatic skills and the commanding presence of a major player in Liberian politics. “We don’t want another Samuel Doe, who will learn on the job and bring our country to disrepute,” Punctuate a nursing student at the Methodist founded Cuttington University College in Suacoco Bong County.
Winston Tubman has got the deal he wanted and is ready to make a push during this election. He is educated and savvy; but does not have the charisma and personality to be taken seriously, while Weah brings name recognition plus grassroots appeal to the race. Tubman also knows the alleys and backdoors of Liberian politics and if he wins the presidency, Weah could learn a thing or two from an old hand.
It is going to get interesting as the presidential campaign in Liberian starts soon. The progressive “evangelist,” Dew Mason thinks he has the gravitas to dislodge Ellen from the Executive Mansion and has grouped about four political parties already under the umbrella of his National Democratic Union. Charles Walter Brumskine says his Liberty party, which came third the last time around is ready to play ball picking a young senator from Bong County Franklin Siakor as his running mate.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sharpened her own sword having declared herself the “formidable candidate,” challenging the opposition boldly after they claimed she is too old. To which she replied, “We will see who will run faster.” May the best man win!
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